New Books in the United Nations PRME Collection

The Center for Responsible Management Education (CRME)  proudly announces three new books in the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Collection. The collection is an initiative of CRME in support of PRME which now comprises seven books published. Another eight books are forthcoming and the call for new books is ongoing. The three  recently published books highlight alternative approaches to management education which aim to facilitate the development of responsible management competences.

Teaching Anticorruption: Developing a Foundation for Business Integrity

Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch and Hans Krause Hansen

The movement in management education towards a more serious concern with how corruption can be tackled has occurred in reaction to highly publicized corporate scandals and instances of management misconduct. Widespread scandals have eroded public faith in companies and public authorities, as well as fueled legislative reactions such as the Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank acts in the United States, and the recent UK Bribery Act.


A Practical Guide to Educating for Responsibility in Management and Business

Ross McDonald

Educating for Responsibility is a new way of engaging young people with the challenge of changing their world for the better. Designed for application in any educational context dealing with ethics, responsibility or human development, it bases classroom practice on facilitating an expanding ability to think and act in more fully responsible ways.

Educating for Values-Driven Leadership: Giving Voice to Values Across the Curriculum

Mary Gentile

This book is aimed at teaching business students the near term skill set required around what to say, to whom and how to say it when the manager knows what he or she thinks is right when an ethical breech occurs — but doesn’t feel confident about how to act on his or her convictions. This overlooked but consequential skill set is the first step in building the ethical muscle. This is the purpose of the Giving Voice to Values program.

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