Kahoot Quizzes on Principles of Responsible Management
Let’s Kahoot!
Kahoot! is a game based classroom response system played by the whole class in real time. Multiple-choice questions are projected on the screen. Students answer the questions with their smartphone, tablet or computer. Kahoot! can be used for class work, group work, self-study and many other educational purposes. It’s extremely easy to use and requires little to no time of preparation: just click on the links below and play!
Everyone here on the team for the second edition of the “Principles of Responsible Management: Glocal Sustainability, Responsibility, and Ethics” textbook has been working non-stop to finalise edits on the book before the deadline. In the meantime, we’ve designed 15 interactive quizzes for responsible learning and education. We’ve been running them in classes now for six weeks trialing them and so far they’ve proven to be really fun AND a great way to test that students are actually doing the reading and, more importantly, understand what they’re reading. For any questions or comments about the quizzes please don’t hesitate to contact us using the contact form. -Have fun playing! Alexandra Barrueta-
Links to Quizzes
Context of Responsible Management (Chapter 1)
Responsible Management (Chapter 2)
Supply Chain Management (Chapter 10)
International Business and Management (Chapter 13)
Accounting and Controlling (Chapter 14)