Opportunities @AOM: Publishing on Responsible Management
We would like to bring to your attention three calls / events related to publishing research on learning and education for sustainability, ethics and responsibility related to the Academy of Management Annual Convention in Atlanta:
1. Feedback Opportunity: AOM Paper Development Workshop on “Responsible Management Learning and Education”.
2. Networking Opportunity: AOM PDW “Responsible Management Education in Action: Doing High Quality Research” with editors of business ethics and education journals.
3. Publication Opportunity: Call for submissions to the Journal of Business Ethics special issue on “Responsible Management Learning: Change and Innovation for Sustainability, Responsibility, Ethics”.
Please find more detailed descriptions below:
1. As part of the Academy of Management meeting in Atlanta, this year’s “2017 Management Education and Learning Writers Workshop” will host a subsection on “Responsible Management Learning and Education” (RMLE) to account for the increased interest in the field of sustainability, ethics and responsibility. Manuscripts addressing issues of sustainability, ethics, or responsibility in the context of management education will be reviewed and commented by academics with editorial experience in both SRE and management education.
In order to participate in this workshop, submit your manuscript (early stage work and developed manuscripts are both fine) to mgmtedlearnwritersworkshop@gmail.com and provide “RMLE Writers Workshop Submission” as subject line of the email. Submission deadline is June 20. This workshop also provides an opportunity to meet editors and get feedback on potential submissions to the special issue mentioned in 3. below. The event is scheduled for Friday, Aug 4 2017 5:15PM – 7:15PM at Hilton Atlanta in Crystal Ballroom A,F.
2. We also want to bring to your attention to the AOM PDW “Responsible Management Education in Action: Doing High Quality Research” (Friday, Aug 4 2017 2:45PM – 4:45PM at Hilton Atlanta in Galleria 6). This workshop invites scholars interested in research on sustainable, ethical and responsible management education to meet authors and editors of journals that are interested in publishing high quality research in the field. In the workshop, authors share their experience in publishing RMLE related work in business ethics or management education journals, followed by comments of the journal’s editor; this is followed by round table discussions in which PDW participants can engage with authors and journal editors. Confirmed editors for this session include William (Bill) Foster (incoming editor of AMLE – Academy of Management Learning & Education), Michelle Greenwood (co-editor of JBE – Journal of Business Ethics), Jean M. Forray (co-editor of JME – Journal of Management Education), and Todd Bridgman (co-editor of ML – Management Learning).
3. Finally, we would like to inform you about a call for papers for a Journal of Business Ethics special issue on “Responsible Management Learning: Change and innovation for sustainability, responsibility, ethics”. Edited by Oliver Laasch and Dirk C. Moosmayer (both Nottingham University Business School China, and both involved in the two above events), Elena Antonacopoulou (University of Liverpool, UK) and Stefan Schaltegger (Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany). The special issue focuses on learning of the practicing manager and the connections that learning for sustainability, responsibility and ethics have with organisational change and innovation. The call for paper is available at http://static.springer.com/sgw/documents/1606110/application/pdf/Special+Issue_Laasch+et+al_Responsible+Management+Learning+-+Change+and+Innovation+for+Sustainability%252c+Responsibility%252c+Ethics.pdf