New Book “Responsible Management” by Kemi Ogunyemi
The book “Responsible Management; Understanding Human Nature, Ethics, and Sustainability” authored by Kemi Ogunyemi from Lagos Business School is the third book published in the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education Book Collection. The collection editor Oliver Laasch stated that the collection will include more than 10 published books on responsible management education in theory and practiceby September 2013 . The call for books is ongoing.
The recent book by Kemi Ogunyemi, according to its summary, “serves as a valuable complementary text for courses on Ethics, Responsibility, Leadership, CSR, and Sustainability, which mostly tend to neglect their human nature dimensions. It provides an understanding of human nature and its uniqueness and complexity, which helps managers in today’s business world to better manage and to respect self, others and the environment. It also provides the foundation for learning ethical behavior, leadership, responsibility, sustainable management and corporate social responsibility.”