‘Doing RME Research’: Status Quo and Quo Vadis?
Over 600 member organizations of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative have made a commitment to “engage in conceptual and empirical research that advances our understanding about the role, dynamics, and impact of corporations in the creation of sustainable social, environmental and economic value” (PRME Principle 4, ‘Research’). Much research is framed as part of long established fields like corporate social responsibility, corporate sustainability and business ethics. However, an emerging stream of research explicitly refers to Responsible Management Education (RME). A proposal for a professional development workshop at the 2017 Academy of Management Meeting takes stock of RME research to establish an appreciation of the status quo and asks the question about the future of such research: Quo vadis? To read the full document, please click on the following reference: Laasch, O., Moosmayer, D., (2017), Responsible management education in action: Doing high quality research.