Published and Forthcoming Books in the PRME Collection


Out Now Forthcoming
Educating for Values-Driven Leadership: Giving Voice to Values Across the Curriculum (Mary Gentile (editor)Director of Giving Voice to Values (GVV), Babson College; With 14 Contributors Authors

A Practical Guide to Educating for Responsibility in Management and Business (Ross McDonald, Professor; University of Auckland) 

Teaching Anticorruption: Developing a Foundation for Business Integrity (Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, Associate Professor of Management, Silesian University of Technology; Hans Krause Hansen, Associate professor; Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)

 Business Integrity in Practice: Insights from International Case Studies (Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, Associate Professor of Management, Silesian University of Technology; Wolfgang Amann, Executive Academic Director of Executive Education-Goethe Business School, University of Frankfurt)

Academic Ethos Management: Building the Foundation for Integrity in Management Education (Again Stachowicz-Stanusch, Associate Professor of Management; Silesian University of Technology 

Responsible Management: Understanding Human Nature, Ethics, and Sustainability (Kemi Ogunyemi, Professor, Lagos Business School, Pan African University Nigeria) 

Fostering Spirituality in the Workplace: A Leader’s Guide to Sustainability (Priscilla Berry, Consultant, Barry and Associates; Adjunct Lecturer in the Hough Graduate School at the Warrington College of Business at University of Florida, Gainesville)

Corporate Social Responsibility: A Strategic Perspective (December 2014, David Chandler, Co-Director, Managing for Sustainability Program, The Business School, University of Colorado Denver) 

Teaching Ethics Across the Management Curriculum: A Handbook for Faculty (March 2015; Kemi Ogunyemi, Professor; Lagos Business School, Pan-African University, Nigeria) 

Managing Corporate Responsibility in Emerging Markets: Issues, Cases, and Solutions (February 2014; Jenik Radon, Professor Columbia University; Mahima Achuthan, New York Consultant) 

Marketing to the Low-Income Consumer (July 2014; Paulo Cesar Motta, National Institute of Administration, Portugal) 

Environmental Policy for the Business Managers (July 2014; Martin Perry, Associate Professor in the School of Management; Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand) 

Responsible Management Accounting and Controlling: A Practical Handbook for Sustainability, Responsibility and Ethics (January 2015; Daniel A. Ette, Consultant, Europe, Lecturer; The Excellence University of Constance, Germany) 

Corporate Governance For The New Era: Cases and Perspectives From Top to Bottom and Left to Right (June 2015; Tom Cockburn, Center for Dynamic Leadership in Global Business, Khosro S. Jahdi, Senior Associate, Leadership Alliance, Edgar Wilson, Deputy Chair and First Trustee, Credit Union)

 Responsible Executive Education:  How to Teach Ethics and Dignity (2015, Wolfgang Amann, Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, Shiv Tripathi, Shiban Khan)

If you are an interested author, please also see the most recent call for books in the PRME collection.

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