Responsible Business Textbook with Greenleaf Forthcoming
‘Responsible business: A textbook for management learning, competence and innovation’ authored by Oliver Laasch and Roger Conaway has been announced as forthcoming for March 2016 by Greenleaf publishing. The book available in print and as e-book is the updated and extended second edition of a publication previously available through the e-book publisher Editorial Digital. It provides an extensive, but comparatively inexpensive textbook option for corporate responsibility and sustainability, business and society, and business ethics courses. The book has also been used as an alternative text for introduction to business courses and as a manager handbook, due to its applied concepts and examples.
For more detail on the book please visit the Greenleaf website of the book, have a look at a comparison of the CRME responsible management and responsible business textbooks, or at exemplary course curricula based on these books.
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