Pioneering Responsible Management Education in Poland
The Poznan University College of Business, as one of the first academic institutions in Poland, has recently become a member of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative.
The Center for Responsible Management Education was invited to support the efforts of the Poznan University College of Business to implement measures for responsible management education. During a first visit from April 9th to 11th, the CRME founder Oliver Laasch, trained a group of professors in new educational methods for responsible management education and lectured an introduction on responsible management to a group of around 80 undergraduate students. Both events were conducted in a workshop style, where after a first introduction to the basics of responsible management education, participants were provided a platform to discuss implementation strategies for PRME.
The collaboration was initiated by Peter Odrakiewicz, Dean of the University´s Managerial Linguistics Program and Tomasz Sworowski Chancellor of the Poznan University College of Business who will be involved in the development of further joint actions for the promotion of responsible management education at their institution and in Poland. CRME´s work with the Poznan University College of Business is part of the CRME “Emerging Champions Program”, supporting newcomer institutions in responsible management education with a strong commitment for action to promote responsible management education in their respective regions.
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